Yearly Themes

This page lists our past and current themes for Devine Christian Church. Each year we have a different theme.

For 2024 our theme is:

                                          "Repent, Revive, and Rejoice"

This theme originates from Psalm 85: 4-6. Our desire and prayer for 2024 at Devine Christian church is that revival would take place. Where new and more mature believers alike would have a new fire burning in their souls for the Lord and His righteousness. We know from the Bible that in order for this to happen, true repentance must take place first. We must turn from our sins, confess them to God, and ask for forgiveness. We must want God more than we want sin! Once we do and repent and turn from our sins, then true revival can begin. Revival springing up in our hearts and souls, with more love and devotion to our Lord Jesus Christ. The last part of this wonderful process, after we've repented and revival has started, is we will rejoice! Rejoice in all the Lord has done and is doing. Rejoice because our souls are saved by Jesus and we're content to busy ourselves with the work of the Lord! We're trusting in the Lord for revival this year. Will you join us by visiting our church and praying for God to send a revival to each and every soul in our church family? Once it starts in our church, it can expand to our entire community. Let's trust God for great things in 2024!

For 2023 our theme was

                                         "Mine Eye Affecteth My Heart"

This theme originates from Lamentations 3:51. Our desire is that this verse and theme will be a strong motivation for our church to see and help the hurting and lost people around us, and to be more aware and sensitive to their needs. We want to take the best gift that man can have, salvation through Jesus Christ, to every soul that God allows us to minister to. By sharing the Gospel message found in the Bible. When we look at all the pain and suffering our community, state, nation, and world are going through, when we see families broken, children abandoned, and souls lost. We at Devine Christian church want to let the Holy Spirit of God move us to have compassion on them all, and to help by sharing the love of God with them. Will you join us in this mission, will you partner with us this year? The world needs Jesus, and it's up to us as His people to take the Good news to everyone.

For the year 2022 our theme was

                                          “Our Church is a Family”

The scripture passage is found in Psalm 133:1 "Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!" The one special feature God has given our church family is a love for each other that centers around our common love for the Lord. We not only have special classes but services and activities that seek to minister to the entire Body of Christ. We are a church that is alive with salvation, baptism and church membership. We have young people who are excited about living for God and love to be in God's House. Many of them serve within the church in areas such as preaching, Junior Church, ushering, nursery, special music, and ministering to others. We believe the family is under attack and by getting back to the very first institution that God created, the home, we can fortify ourselves against the sad and harmful affects of sin. We have Ladies and Men's Bible Study Classes, a church prayer chain that notifies our family members when one is in special need of prayer, Vacation Bible School, and a genuine concern for the well-being of each other. We do not believe that going through the motions of playing church enhances anyone's life. So while some choose to use the Hallmark approach and “care to send the very best,” we use the Bell Telephone approach and “reach out and touch someone.” Many lives have been touched through this ministry, to which we give our Heavenly father all the glory. So if you are looking for a church family, look no further, come join us.

For the year 2021 our theme was:

                                                      "We Care for Your Soul"

For the year 2020 our theme was:

 "He First Loved Us"

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